Monday, December 15, 2008

Final Questions

I took this course in the hope of finding ways to provide my clients with the assistance they need to sustain their AmeriCorps, VISTA and Senior Corps projects in a format that is as effective as the face-to-face consultations and trainings that my employer, Campaign Consultation, Inc. has been offering for many years. while the assistance was always well received and considered valuable, due to the high cost of travel, it was available only to those programs that could afford it. Distance consultation will probably be the norm now, at least for the forseeable future. As I come to the conclusion of this course, I am left with three questions:
1. Will distance learning ever be as effective as face-to-face interaction?
2. Since distance learning is becoming the standard for CNCS trainings, how can I make them more effective?
3. Are there delivery tools that I have not yet mastered that I need to explore?

Question #1: Will distance learning ever be as effective as face-to-face interaction?

I doubt it. Distance learning is fine for imparting information, but it lacks the ability to inspire. Teachers/leaders have to reach all of their students, no matter what mood they may be in at the moment. A computer screen can't see the scowl on someone's face that says, "I don't really believe this is going to work. I'd like to know more, but if I ask a question I don't believe anyone is going to respond."

Question #2: Since distance learning is becoming the standard for CNCS trainings, how can I make them more effective?

I have found that the more often I present webinar trainings, the better I become at it. I design my webinars to take advantage of every possible opportunity for interaction. Campaign Consultation, Inc. workshops and trainings have always been designed around adult student-centered learning. This approach honors the life experiences of those who have gained a wealth of experiential learning that needs to be shared with others in their field. My job is to create opportunities and a framework for that experience. I need to be constantly aware of opportunities to incorporate the experience of others into my webinars and I need to look for tools tht will allow that to happen.

Question #3. Are there delivery tools that I have not yet mastered that I need to explore?

I am intrigued by virtual world platforms. These platforms allow members to create an avatar to interact with other avatars in a simulated community. While these avatars are "fake people" and there is an element of inauthenticity, they seem to have some potential for distance learning. One of the most sought after workshops I presented was "How to ask for money." In my face-to-face workshops we do role playing where someone will act as a potential donor and another participant asks them to make a gift to their program. The rest of the group then critiques the role play and gives suggestions for how it might be different. Why couldn't we set these same situations up in a virtual situation?


At December 17, 2008 at 9:15 AM , Blogger Prof. Lohnes said...

Hi Sharon,

I think that your question #3 has some good potential to respond to issues raised in question #1 and question #2. Second Life, one of those virtual environments, is getting huge play right now in higher education, and in the business world. While it is somewhat resource intensive to create a space for your organization in Second Life (requires buying "land" and hiring a programmer who can make it look the way you want it), there's some great potential for re-imagining the way education and interaction happens, just by virtue of having fewer constraints on reality in the virtual space. Towson has a presence in Second Life, and they occasionally offer workshops on it via the Office of Technology Services (workshop calendar). In addition to have a virtual "physical" presence in the form of an avatar, Second Life now has voice chat, which is an improvement over earlier, text-only versions. Second Life, and other virtual environments like it, might be an excellent avenue for further investigation for you.


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